• +249 93 000 6999 ccst.info@combonikhartoum.com

11 أبريل 11th January 2023 –


The Vantini Conference Hall of Comboni College of Science and Technology was honoured with the presence of one of the best Sudanese researchers, Prof. Ahmed Hasan Fahl, founding Director of the Mycetoma Research Centre  (MRC) at the University of Khartoum. The centre is recognised globally as a world leader and authoritative source of advice on mycetoma management and research and is a WHO Collaborating Centre. He is a high volume researcher who has published and presented his original research extensively and has become a world authority on mycetoma.
Prof. Fahl introduced the students of the first batch of the BSc in Nursing to this neglected tropical disease, mycetoma, as they will start their clinical practice at MRC.
The lecture was also attended by a group of students of the BSc in Computer Science who will have as their graduation project the production of a “Call Center Application” that will allow the network of contacts of the MRC in the region (the whole of Sudan, South Sudan, Eritrea, Ethiopia, Tchad…) to upload data from their respective location in order to foster early detection of Mycetoma with the support of the MRC staff.
This project is part of the “Bridging the Youth with the Digital Market” project which is funded by the Embassy of Switzerland to Sudan and Eritrea/ سفارة سويسرا للسودان و إريتريا  . Through this project the College offers private companies or institutions the possibility of getting a software product with a lower price than in the market and with the best quality through the support of international mentors. At the same time, the students and graduates are introduced into the digital market and the College curricula is challned by that same market.