• +249 93 000 6999 ccst.info@combonikhartoum.com

BA with Honors in Christian Educational and Religious Sciences

The Ministry of General Education and the Ministry of Higher Education and Scientific Research have introduced the religious education curriculum (Islamic and Christian) among the basic subjects, whether in schools or universities. Therefore, Camboni College saw the addition of a unit that prepares teachers to teach the Christian education subject, who have the necessary academic and educational ability and competence to teach this subject in accordance with the established official curricula. The objectives of the program are:
- Preparing competent Sudanese teachers to teach Christian education in addition to English or computer language and obtaining a certificate approved by the Ministry of Higher Education
- Creating an academic cadre familiar with religious and educational sciences, capable of stimulating dialogue between religions and promoting a culture of peace and peaceful coexistence between Christians and Muslims in Sudan.
- Establishing links and relationships with other entities and churches.
- Empowering students on the importance of religious education in their academic life and beyond.
- Familiarizing students with the educational and religious sciences and their ability to contribute to the contemporary scientific renaissance.
- Conducting research in the various religious and educational fields.

To download the curriculum:   click here!